Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the International Penguin Class Dinghy Association
8/17/2017 - Severn Sailing Association, Annapolis, MD
Meeting called to order at 15:55
Roll call of fleets: 1 Potomac, 15 Oxford, 80 Skokie (by proxy)
Officer’s reports: Treasurer (Sandy Rapp) and Secretary (Mike
Hecky) were not in attendance.
Finances for the period ending December 2016 indicate 31 paid members. Total income of $1410 with $775 from dues and
$635 from sale of Class owned parts.
Expenses for 2016 were $437.
No report from executive vice president (Bill Lawson).
President’s report. Membership currently stands at 29 dues paid for 2017. 8 members from 2016 have not renewed their membership yet. 11 from 2015.
Old Business: no old business
New Business: Discussion about venue for next year’s Internationals and how to increase participation. Suggestion to approach Gibson Island was one possibility. Difficult to find a venue that will host a stand-alone event for 8 – 12 boats (we have averaged 12 boats over the past five years with a high of 15 and a low, this year, of 8.) Reasons cited this year for some who did not attend were lack of crew, work conflicts, family obligations (weddings, etc.) and fear of heights – apparently the Bay Bridge is too high for some flightless Penguins.
Jonathan Bartlett suggested hosting a junior only regatta with current owners loaning their boats to juniors. There was general discussion about this and how to encourage growth in the Class.
Election of Officers: slate
Charlie Krafft – President, Bill Lawson – Executive Vice-President, Chris Conway – Secretary, Sandy Rapp – Treasurer.
The slate was unanimously approved.
Thanks to outgoing Secretary Mike Hecky for his many years of service.
Meeting was adjourned at 16:24.